OPERATING HOURS: Mondays to Fridays, 9am until 4pm. Closed on holidays.

Rabbit Care 101

  • Diet: The Importance of HAY!

    Hay keeps rabbits healthy and happy. So remember to always give them their endless supply of hay everyday!
  • Bunny Bonding

    While some rabbits happily live solo with their human companion, most of them enjoy having another rabbit around. Once two rabbits become the best of friends, it’s truly a wonderful and heart melting experience. But be prepared, bonding two bunnies takes time and a lot of patience. 
  • Food and Diet

    Bunnies love to eat! But don’t get too carried away with the carrots and pellets. These should not be a rabbit's staple food contrary to popular belief. They should be given unlimited hay, which gives them all the nutrients and fiber that they need.